Advertise your B&B or guest house for sale

Selling a B&B or guest house
The most effectively targeted website for selling a B&B or guest house - or a property suitable for B&B use - is on BandBassociation.org.
It is promoted from the Bed & Breakfast Association's homepage and from Bed & Breakfast News magazine, as well as from every one of the (over 100,000 a year) email newsletters sent by the Association to its members and registrants.
By advertising here, you can reach many thousands of B&B and guest house owners - and prospective owners - across the UK. Your audience includes experienced B&B owners looking to move to a new area, and those looking to buy or start their own B&B business.
ADVERTISING RATES:       (VAT not applicable)
The cost per property is £15.00 per month, with a minimum booking of four months (at £60.00 for four months)
If you pay for 5 months, you get the 6th month FREE, so 6 months is only £75.00.
An additional picture is an extra £5.00 per month (one picture is included).
There is a 20% discount for members of the Bed & Breakfast Association.
(The above prices are based on supplying copy (similar length to existing ads) and picture by email. Extra charges are payable for transcribing copy or scanning pictures.)

Our advertising rates are based on payment in advance of publication.
Payment can be made by BACS, by credit or debit card, by PayPal, or by cheque - see our Payment page for details and to make instant online secure payment.

For the full range of advertising opportunities in all our media, go to our Advertising page.

To discuss your requirements and any of the advertising opportunities above,
contact us at advertise@specialpublishing.com
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